Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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520 John Carlyle St #408, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

${Price} $600,000 Advertised For Sale At 520 John Carlyle St #408 In The City of Alexandria

520 John Carlyle St #408 is an amazing home in 22314 in the City of Alexandria, But even so it's not for every buyer. There are an almost unlimited number of variables in play.

It's hard to know what's best for another person, But it's easy for you to say what's best for yourself.

How many bedrooms do you need? 520 John Carlyle St #408 is a 2-bedroom condo. Do you like masonry dwelling? Do you prefer brick or siding? What type of siding? Do you prefer hardwood floors? Do you prefer carpet or ceramic? Maybe floors aren't a big concern for you. Continue reading
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Alexandria Area Real Estate Update

How is the real estate market 12/22/2021 in Alexandria area?

Are you investigating condos listed in Alexandria area? There's a lot to learn about Alexandria area real estate and we can help. If so, you will in all likelihood be astonished by what is happening in Alexandria area real estate. See below for more data about the current state of the Alexandria area real estate market, including
  • what's recently sold in the Alexandria area
  • what's currently for sale in the Alexandria area
  • facts about Alexandria real estate
Our agents are happy to serve your Alexandria area real estate needs. Continue reading
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309 Holland Ln #219, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

What Can I Buy In 22314 in the City of Alexandria For $550,000?

Do you have reasons to be anxious when we're talking about $550,000 for a 2-bedroom condo like 309 Holland Ln #219 in 22314 in Alexandria? Actually, you might find something you don't like in the The Royalton association documents. But, Nesbitt Realty can explain to you how to void the contract with no issues so that you don't get stuck in an association that doesn't benefit you the purchaser. In fact, there are other risks which can be challenging to overcome.  Above all, a real estate professional like Nesbitt can manage and overcome dangers  associated with buying a home in Alexandria. Continue reading
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