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309 Holland Ln #338, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

$400,000 - Alexandria VA 22314 - Comparables and Suggestions

Searching For 1,771 Sqft In Alexandria, Virginia?

309 Holland Ln #338, Alexandria VA recently came to the real estate market and is available for $400,000. For this reason, you may want to reflect on this dwelling (depending upon your budget). But, compare this to the average square feet (1,682) of properties in the City of Alexandria to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading
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What Is The Most Important Feature About Your Condo Purchase If You’re Paying $414,900?

Photo of 309 Holland Ln #201 Stuart Nesbitt is a local licensed real estate adviser specializing condos in Alexandria, Virginia. I like 309 Holland Ln #201. This condo at The Royalton in 22314 in the City of Alexandria looks like a good value for several reasons. However, Stuart Nesbitt is not recommending you buy this property in particular. That's because, until I know your goals there is no way for me to know if this is the right home for you. Continue reading
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2050 Jamieson Ave #1007, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

Mulling over the idea of Residences At The Jamieson? Look at This Residence.

If you don't know the the City of Alexandria real estate market should you worry about buying a condo like 2050 Jamieson Ave #1007 in The City of Alexandria? Further, you might find problems with the condo after closing. But, Monika Ortiz can order a home inspection to reveal most potential problems. Indeed, there are always dangers in Alexandria, Virginia real estate.  But, a reliable guru like Monika can help you to manage or avoid many of the pitfalls  associated with buying a place of residence in Alexandria. Continue reading
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Choosing An Entry-level Property In Alexandria In Alexandria, Virginia

Definitely, you can find an entry-level property in Alexandria in Northern Virginia. But there are only a limited number of entry-level residences in The City of Alexandria. Possibly one of them is the great home for you. If it's not 2181 Jamieson Ave #411, then it might be one of the properties listed below. Not to mention, purchasing a home in the Alexandria area and staying on several years allows you and your family time to build long-lasting relationships within the the City of Alexandria community. Continue reading
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How To Save $2,011 At 2050 Jamieson Ave #1004 Alexandria VA

Photo of 2050 Jamieson Ave #1004 That means that buyers can work with a local, family-run, small real estate company AND still enjoy real estate savings. Nesbitt Realty rebates a portion of our commission to our clients. That way you can save money AND work with a small family-run business. Tell us your needs and wants and we'll identify your best choice of purchase possible. Continue reading

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